Friday, 14 October 2016

5 Things I learned from Cosplay

When I started cosplaying I didn't know much about making things, but I realised, over 3 years later that it taught me a whole lot more than sewing.

5. I am a creative person - and most people are
I remember being told in middle school art class by my teacher that I wasn't creative and for the longest time I believed them, but boy oh boy was that ever wrong. When I started building my first costume I can remember hearing my teacher's word over and over and I was convinced I would fail. Though I still cannot draw my way out of a wet paper bag, I have learned that I am great at sculpting, painting, designing, sewing, and embroidery.

4. Creativity comes in a lot of forms
Creativity is not all left brain right brain nonsense.  I have seen some really amazing painters have a hard time conceptualizing forms, and some really analytical people figure out some amazing colour theory. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and that is just fine!

3. Someone will always be better than you
Now, this may sound disheartening but for me, it was liberating. Once I realised that I would always be chasing people, I could focus on my own work and better see my areas to improve. I could see the amazingly dedicated people "above" me as inspirations, while not feeling down on my own work.

2. Talent has nothing to do with it
That's right you heard me! Lemme say it again: TALENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Well maybe nothing is an exaggeration, but really as long as you are dedicated, and are willing to put in the blood (i.e. money), sweat (i.e. time) and tears (i.e. perseverance)  you can make incredible things. And you might just unlock your natural talent along the way.

1. Success depends on lots of people
This is a life lesson to be sure, but one that cosplay taught me nonetheless. Getting one amazing picture of a costume can take up to 5 people and that is not an exaggeration. From the making of the costume, applying makeup and prosthetics, navigating and moving around, to the taking and editing of a photo there can be multiple hands on the project. I usually have a handler, sometimes two at any given shoot. My partner has helped me paint at 4 am on a convention morning.... these things never happen by one person alone.  It takes a dedicated and supportive army. And I love everyone in the trenches with me.
This article was originally published in 0ct 2016, it has been republished here on my new blog.
Morgothia Costuming © . Design by FCD.