
I began creating costumes in 2013, striving for craftsmanship and quality to bring characters, worlds and history to life. I have since made costumes from Game of Thrones, Skyrim, Diablo, Dragon Age and so many more. Recently I have been delving into the exciting world of dress history, learning about historically accurate construction, materials, and styles.

My passion for costumes and historical dress come from the same belief that clothes are so much more than fabric used to keep us warm. Costume and the way we choose to dress reflects the world and society of a character and are a rich visual language for the growth and changes of a character and I LOVE exploring that aspect of costuming. Each of my costumes is extensively researched and carefully crafted by me. I really take pride in the detail and research I put into my costume, and sharing them with the world makes me all the prouder!

2 comments so far

  1. Hello Morgathia,

    I truly appreciate you setting up these tutorials. I am making my first 18th century gown and am thinking of making the continental rump. Would you have measurements or pattern that I should follow?
    Best regards,
    Michele Franck

    1. Hello Michele,

      You can find the tutorial I used here: http://www.elizabethancostume.net/bumroll.html

      Good Luck!


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